This master list of doll house makeover ideas on our site will help you with your dollhouse remodel and give you some ideas for cute mini crafts to make or buy from handmade miniatures artists.

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Why dollhouses are a fun hobby.
This article goes over why making miniatures and dollhouses is a fun way to relax with a new hobby.
It also has specifics about what the different scales are and which one would be best depending on your needs, and whether you should plan on buying or making your dollhouse accessories.
How to start your dollhouse makeover.
This article goes over the beginning steps of redoing a dollhouse. From taking off the wallpaper to removing floors, it’s in here.
Mini things to buy.
This article has a list of handmade sellers who sell minis that are already made. If you choose to buy instead of make your own doll’s house decor, this is a good article to bookmark for future reference.
Miniature carpets.
This article is about making miniature carpets and rugs for your dollhouse. It has some tutorials and tips for simple rugs that you can DIY.
Adding age to wood floors.
This article shows how to make a popsicle stick floor look older. This comes in handy when you want to do a haunted house or make an attic floor look like it has some age to it.
Miniature paper vases.
Want to make some DIY miniature vases? This article goes over how to use paper to create mini vases and lamp bases that you can add to your dollhouse decor.
Wallpaper tutorial.
This article is a tutorial on a method to make removable walls so that you can change the wallpaper out whenever you want to. It’s a lot easier to do that than to recover the walls each time you want a change on your doll’s house!
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What to use for dollhouse wallpaper.
This article has suggestions for a lot of different things that you can use to wallpaper a dollhouse. Some of them are things that you wouldn’t think to use, but they’ll give good results.
Using wrapping paper for dollhouse wallpaper.
These tips on how to use wrapping paper for wallpaper in a DIY dollhouse will help you to get a good result. Gift wrap is a little tricky to work with, so this article will let you skip the “don’t do this” things that you might not know about when you start.
Scrapbook paper wallpaper.
If you’re using scrapbook paper for dollhouse wallpaper, this article has tips to know before you start!
Dollhouse mini fabrics.
This article has sources for miniature fabrics that you can use to make authentic 1:12 scale and 1:6 scale fabrics to make dollhouse bedding or accessories.
They’re actual scale fabrics, not just smaller versions of larger patterns.
Mini quilts.
This article is a tutorial on how to make a mini quilt for a dollhouse bed using scaled-down fabric patterns.
Dollhouse flooring ideas.
These ideas for dollhouse flooring materials range from real flooring to craft materials that can be used in weird ways to make cool floors.
Dollhouse fireplace mantel template.
This tutorial has a template that you can download to make your own fireplace mantel out of paper or cardboard.
Dollhouse upholstery.
This dollhouse upholstery tutorial shows how to use mini-scale fabric to create your own cushions for furniture, without using any glue or sewing.
Popsicle stick flooring.
This article is a tutorial for how to make popsicle stick flooring for a dollhouse, with tips on what to do and what to watch out for.
Fabric chair seats.
This tutorial for fabric seats on dollhouse chairs has a step-by-step on how to add some padding and fabric to the seats of plain chairs to give them an upgrade.
Mini crescent rolls or croissants.
In this article, I did a step-by-step tutorial to make some mini 1:12 scale crescent rolls (or croissants, whichever you prefer!) Add to your mini food with this tutorial.
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