How To Search For A Shop Name On Etsy.


Finding an individual shop on Etsy can be challenging because of the way that Etsy search works. If you search for the shop name by writing it out the “normal” way it might not come up.

But if you write it the “Etsy” way it doesn’t take you to the shop directly all the time, the way that it used to.

Plus, it works differently on the app than it does on desktop!

Image with text saying How to search for a shop name on Etsy.

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What are the most direct ways to find a shop on Etsy?

The fastest way to find a shop on Etsy is to use the shop search page, or to type the shop name with no spaces between the words into the Etsy search bar.

Etsy will usually show a link that says “did you mean the shop” with the shop name, and you can click on that to go to the shop homepage. It might also give you an option to search for shops with the name that you typed in, and you can use that link to find the shop.

The problem with this method, though, is that it will sometimes give you odd results and it will look like the shop doesn’t exist on Etsy even when you know that it does.

If that happens, you might have to try a different way to see if the shop comes up for you.

How to find an Etsy shop using the shop search page.

The easiest way to find an Etsy shop is to use the shop search page, but it’s not easy to find the link to that page. I always forget that it’s there because it’s not something that Etsy promotes a lot.

Etsy's shop search page.
Etsy’s Shop Search Page

To use the site search page, click here: Etsy’s Shop Search page.

This will bring up all the shops with words in the name that are similar to what you searched for, but you might have to wade through a lot of results if the one you’re looking for isn’t on the first page.

In general, though, if you spell the name correctly, the shop should come up on the first page and you’ll be able to go to it right away.


How to find an Etsy shop using the Etsy app.

If you’re using the Etsy app, you should be able to find a shop by typing the shop name into the search bar and checking to see if the shop appears under that.

The app basically skips the step of asking if you’re looking for a shop with that name and just shows you options of shops with similar names.

the app showing options of shops
The app shows shops with the name you’re typing in.

This works the same way whether you type in the shop name the normal way with spaces between the words, or the “Etsy way” with no spaces.

The top of the page will be suggested searches based on what you type in, and the bottom will be related shops. You can usually find the shop that you’re looking for this way, but it might not show up depending on if the shop name is really common or not.

If it doesn’t show up on the app, you might want to try searching with a browser, since the format of those searches is a little different.

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How to find an Etsy shop using a browser.

To find an Etsy shop using a browser, whether on desktop or mobile, just type the shop name into the search bar.

You can do this with or without spaces between the words in the name, and Etsy should show you either the name of the shop or a suggestion to find shops with that name.

If you hit enter, you’ll also see a link that says “did you mean the shop” with the shop name, and that will take you to the shop itself.

Searching for a shop with the Etsy search bar.

Etsy has a strange way to spell shop names that doesn’t use spaces between words. Because of this, shop names can behave in strange ways when you search for them with or without spaces.

It used to be that if you searched for the shop name without spaces between the words (acaketoremember instead of a cake to remember) it would take you directly to the shop’s homepage.

If the shop owner had put the name of the shop in the tags of a listing, however, it wouldn’t take you to the shop, it would show you that listing.

Search seems to be working differently now, and neither the “Etsy” spelling nor normally-spaced words take you straight to the shop’s homepage.

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Using the “Etsy” spelling, and the suggested shops.

It might show you a “shops with this name” option at the bottom of the suggested searches list when you type something into the search bar, and clicking on that will show you yet another link that will take you to the shop.

There might be more than one suggested shop, so you’ll have to find the one that you want.

Sometimes none of this works, though, because Etsy can just be difficult. If none of this works and you can’t find the shop that you’re looking for, there’s one thing that you can try that will take you directly to the shop.

How to find an Etsy shop using Google search.

To find an Etsy shop using Google, search using the search to find the shop.

To do this, type (put the shop name here) into Google. This should bring up the Etsy shop of that name. You’ll know that it’s the shop because the link will have “shop” in the url.

This will also bring up other results but the shop link should be at the top of the results, or close to it.

Make sure to format the search correctly, with no space between, then a space and the shop name typed in with no spaces between the words.

Google search to find an Etsy shop.

If this doesn’t bring up the Etsy shop that you’re looking for, it could mean that the shop is deindexed, which is very unusual but can happen sometimes.

It’s more likely, though, that you’re misspelling the shop’s name, or adding something like an extra “s” to the end.

Make sure that you have the name of the shop right, and as long as you do, one of these methods should work.

If you want to find a seller instead of their shop, you can check out this article that I wrote about how to find a person on Etsy.


Kara Buntin

Kara Buntin has run a profitable home-based business since 1999, and has a background in art, theater design, and cake decorating. She founded the Artisan Shopping Directory website to promote the artisans who are members of her EShop Success marketing program.

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