What Messages Does Etsy Send Buyers? A Real-Life Test


If you’re a buyer on Etsy, you might wonder what messages you’ll receive to track your order’s progress.

I recently ordered some solid shampoo bars from an Etsy shop, and I decided to look at what messages I received through the Etsy convo system and what messages came to my email address.

What messages does etsy send buyers? A real life test

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When you buy something on Etsy, you’ll receive a confirmation email that might include a message from the seller, an order shipment notification, an out-for-delivery notification, and a delivery notification.

These will all be sent to the email that was used at checkout when you placed the order. You’ll also receive reminders to leave a review, which might be emailed or could also show up on Etsy itself.

None of the messages that I received came through the Etsy convo system, they were all sent to my email address.

This is the full walkthrough of what messages Etsy sends, and what you can expect if you order something from Etsy, based on my own experience.

Etsy order confirmation email.

Etsy order confirmation.
Etsy order confirmation email notification.

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The first thing you’ll receive when you place an order is the confirmation email that verifies that your order was processed the right way.

If there’s a problem with the payment and the order is still being processed, Etsy will alert you to that situation through email too.

Sometimes a payment doesn’t go through, and you’ll receive an email telling you that happened if that’s the situation, but they might not explain why.

Etsy sellers don’t have access to any customer payment information, so we can’t help you with a reason why if that happens, you would have to contact Etsy directly.

If you checked out as a guest you’ll still receive the order confirmation email, but that’s going to be the only place to get the order information, so hold onto the email until your package arrives!

note from the shop owner on etsy order confirmation
Note from the shop owner on the order confirmation email.

The order confirmation email will also have the name of the shop and a message from the business owner if they’ve added that to their receipts.

If you purchased something by accident because of the weird way that the Etsy shopping cart works, you can use this section of the confirmation email to ask the seller to cancel the order.

You should do this quickly, because some people ship things really fast!

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Etsy order shipped email.

order shipped notification
Your Etsy order shipping notification.

When the order ships, you’ll receive an email telling you that it’s on its way.

This email can also have another message from the seller, and it also has a button to reach the seller in case you need help with the order for some reason.

Popup on Etsy where you can click to see the receipt.

It also includes a link that you can click on that will take you back to Etsy and a popup window that will let you see the receipt.

This shows up in the first email too, so there are multiple ways that you can get information about your order, just hold on to the emails if you’re not registered and checked out as a guest.


Order is out for delivery notification.

order is being delivered today notification
Your Etsy order is out for delivery notification.

When the order is out for delivery, Etsy will send you another email that also has a message from the seller and more links to see details or get help with the order.

At this point I’m thinking “okay, that’s enough with the emails,” but honestly, it’s good to know that your package should be arriving so that you can keep an eye out for it.

There’s been such an increase in package thefts lately, it’s good to know when you can expect things to arrive.

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that sometimes things are marked out for delivery but that’s not really true.

Sometimes the post office scans things in before they’re actually delivered or out for delivery, so you might get this email, then not see the package until the next day.

It doesn’t happen too often, but if you do get the delivery notification but nothing arrives, call the post office first to have them check to see if the package was actually delivered.

In the US they have GPS coordinate scanners, so if the package was delivered to the wrong place they’ll be able to see that, and if it wasn’t delivered it might show up the next day.

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Delivery confirmation email.

When the order is scanned in by the post office as having been delivered, Etsy will send you another email to let you know that it’s there.

The order was delivered email.
Order delivered email.

This email doesn’t have a message from the seller, but it does have a reminder from Etsy about coming back to Etsy “soon” to leave a review.

Message about leaving a review on the order delivered email.
Message about leaving a review on the order delivered email.

Depending on the review window, you might not be able to leave a review right away, which is what the “come back soon” could mean.

It does seem that they’ve started making the review page available as soon as the order was delivered, though.

Etsy will start sending messages about leaving a review fairly quickly if you couldn’t leave the review right away.

reminder to leave a review on Etsy
Reminder to leave a review from the Etsy app.

In my case, I started getting notifications on the Etsy app right away, so I was able to leave the review pretty much as soon as the package was delivered.

After the review is posted, you shouldn’t receive any more notifications about the order from Etsy, but if you’re signed up for marketing emails, you might receive some with coupons and other offers from the shops you’ve purchased from in the past.

If the seller responds to the review it locks it in, but you won’t get an email telling you that a response was posted.

locked review after the seller reponds
The review is locked when the seller responds.

If you go to the review page in your account, you’ll see that you can read the shop’s response to your review, and that it’s locked and you can’t edit it anymore.

I didn’t receive any email or notification about the response being posted, so make sure that you don’t use the review to send a message to the seller instead of contacting them directly!

Sometimes customers leave reviews thinking that it’s a way to message the seller, but they may or may not be paying attention to their reviews, so it’s better to send a direct message using the Etsy convo system.

For another article about signing up for Etsy marketing emails to get discounts from sellers, click here: How To Ask For Etsy Discounts Without Being A Jerk.


Kara Buntin

Kara Buntin has run a profitable home-based business since 1999, and has a background in art, theater design, and cake decorating. She founded the Artisan Shopping Directory website to promote the artisans who are members of her EShop Success marketing program.

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